Emmanuella’s Revenge
K. B. Thomas
All rights reserved
Dear Emmanuella –
I just put the baby down for his nap and had to write to you right away. What you must be feeling, trapped on that leaking pirate ship with all those rats and bad food and Cole so far away from you! Not to mention the pirate leader who, when I last saw him, was on his way down to your cabin with rape in mind. I have the laundry to sort, so this is going to be a quick letter. Please, beautiful Emmanuella, please take a quick look around that dark cabin and find some sort of weapon – there’s got to be a knife to stab him with or a forgotten black powder gun in one of those sea chests. I know Cole will still love you no matter what happens, but I think it would be better for your relationship if you gave a good fight. Perhaps you can take a few minutes to mix a poisoned concoction from the small box of medicines mentioned ten pages or so ago? Just a thought.
Much love,
Dear Emmanuella –
Brad’s giving the baby his bath so I thought I’d take a moment to write to you. I never, never thought you’d jump from that ship and swim to the tropical island that was mentioned in passing conversation four chapters ago! There you are now, hair a salty mess and your dress in tatters, peering through the foliage at the English regiment that is stationed there for the sole purpose of stringing up pirates. The English, Emmanuella! If only you could go to them for food and shelter! If only you hadn’t been unjustly branded on your left shoulder as an English criminal in the previous book! Then you’d be safe now, with that handsome English captain. What are you going to do now? Thank goodness for your extensive knowledge of tropical vegetation. You can hide for a few days, avoiding that poisonous berry mentioned in the second chapter. Who would have thought that living with those nuns for three months, studying botany, would come in so handy?
But what are you going to do about clothing? How is Cole going to find you?
Sorry to go on and on, but I mostly wanted to write to tell you to watch out for the small group of French criminals hiding about two miles from you. They recently escaped from a Bahimian clove plantation. They’re a rather desperate bunch.
Well, I have to clean up the dinner dishes now. Take care.
Dearest Emmanuella –
The baby’s a little fussy today so this will have to be short. What a lucky woman you are! To find your beloved cousin Victor among the group of French criminals! Imagine recognizing him after so many years because of his club foot! Good to know that you are finding men’s trousers so much more comfortable than those gorgeous gowns and their twelve yards of material. I also find pants more comfortable, especially when vacuuming. Now that you’re clothed and fed you can concentrate on Victor’s plan to overthrow the English regiment and gain control of the island. You do know that if you participate in the attack on the English you could be captured and sent to Australia? How will Cole find you there? But I suppose a man like Cole would travel halfway around the world to reach you. Even though Victor promises he’ll take you to Kingston to find Cole, and he looks as though he means it, do you trust him? I know, I know, what choice do you have?
Things here are fine. Brad and I have to go car shopping this weekend. Just thinking about it gives me a headache, but I’ll be glad to get out of the house.
Dear Emmanuella –
Between the baby’s colic and your capture by the English I didn’t sleep at all last night. Forgive me if this is a little incoherent. You were absolutely fantastic there on the beach, dueling with the captain of the regiment. I am so sorry that there was a full moon and he saw your branded shoulder. If not for that I’m sure you would have made it to the waiting longboat to escape with Victor. At least the English captain has the good sense to see how lovely you are; you must use him in some way to make your escape. I’m sure Cole will understand. Things haven’t always been perfect for the two of you but you always manage to forgive the mistakes, the small indiscretions. If Brad acted the way Cole did that time with the Countess de Berselle in “The King and Emmanuelle” to get me out of prison I would probably forgive him.
I know that you love Cole, your fans are told that again and again, but really, after four hundred pages without seeing each other isn’t it hard to stay faithful and true? I hate to tell you this, because you’ve got troubles enough right now, but Cole has been shanghaied onto a whaling vessel, sailing out of Martha’s Vineyard. He won’t see land for another two years.
Brad and I did find a car we like but can’t agree on how much to spend on monthly payments. I’ll keep you posted.
Dearest Beautiful Emmanuella –
This will have to be short as Brad found my letters to you and has made a doctor’s appointment for me. He took “Emmanuella’s Revenge” from me but I bought an e-copy and downloaded it to my phone.
Imagine having the book taken from me just as you were boarding the ship that will carry you and the other women prisoners to Australia! Why, oh why did your English captain have to eat those berries? Now, with no protector, you’re once again a prisoner of the Crown. The only good news that I can see is that Cole is also sailing the high seas, and is bound to find you. All the world’s oceans can’t keep you two apart! It said so on the back of the book.
I shall never forget those last pages of “Emmanuella’s Revenge” as you took the sick and broken women prisoners and roused them with your beauty and eloquence. I am altogether behind your planned rebellion. With your expert nursing those women will soon be able to fight for themselves and will toss the sailors overboard. And then, Emmanuella, with your own ship, the world will be yours!
I can’t wait to read “Emmanuella the Pirate Queen”!